Network characteristics of highly co-active researchers

Research Area: Network Analysis Year: 2010
Type of Publication: In Proceedings
  • Antoine Schoen
  • Lionel Villard
  • Peter van den Besselaar
Book title: Eleventh International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators Number: 11
Series: STI Conference Pages: 258-260
Address: Leiden, Netherlands
Organization: Centre for Science and Technology Studies Month: September
Co-activity, defined as a researcher joint production of scientific articles and patents of invention, is an interesting focus for studying how scientific ant technological research networks connect. Building on Stefano Breschia and Christian Catalini’s approach, this study analyses the research networks linking scientists working in an open science environment and researchers involved in the private technology domain. As the study previously mentioned, it combines data on scientific co-authorship with data on patent coinvention, at the level of individual researchers, for two science-intensive technology fields: heterogeneous catalysis and pharmaco-genomics. But this research departs from Breschia and Catalina’s work in the process chosen for setting up of the body of data: i.e. in the delineation procedure. This research characterises at a finely grained level the scientific papers and patents produced by a group of core researchers, highly visible in their respective field, that are selected through an expert-based process.